Friday, November 15, 2013

Best in Class Encourages Reading with Best in Books Campaign and Contest

Education Enrichment Center Offers Prizes for Stories about the Book That Changed Your Life
 Best in Class Education Center (Best in Class), a top-of-the-line education enrichment center focusing on math and English, is proud to launch the “Best in Books” campaign- a social media contest to celebrate books and encourage reading during the upcoming holiday season. Readers of all ages are encouraged to share the story of the book that changed their life on the Best in Class Facebook page. Every reader who shares the story attached to his/her life-changing book will be entered for a chance to win an Amazon Kindle FireHDX and gift cards.
“Everyone has that one special book that really made a difference in his or her life,” Hao Lam, Founder and CEO said. “For me that book would have to be Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. I read this book over and over again and each time I read it, I learn something new. It is inspirational, and I can always apply something from the book to my own business. We’re excited to find out what books are making an impact in your life.  We'd like to create a pathway for you to learn about books you may not have heard of before.”
Interested in participating in the “Best in Books” contest? Looking for a chance to win?
Tell us how your book changed your life!
  • Submit your 200-word entry to the Best in Class Facebook page.
  • Entries will be separated into three groups based on age - under 13, 13-18 and 19 and over.
  • 3 people from each age category will win: 1st Prize: Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 7"; 2nd Prize: $150 Amazon Gift Card; 3rd Prize: $100 Amazon Gift Card.
  • Entries must be submitted by an adult, 18 years of age or older, or with parental consent.
  • Entries will be put to a vote where fans can choose the most compelling story.

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